We have unshakeable confidence in products of Viking.
The best standard speedskating boot on the market, the Gold 2005, combined with Sapphire or Icon blades of your choice is a very good combination.
With Viking speedskates at most distances gold is won at the Olympics in Pyeongchang once again proved, over all distances, sprint and allround.
Zwaan Speedskates Service
Our specialties
We ensure that your speedskates are top, so that you can deliver your best performance.
Truly dutch family business since 1948

Groothuis custom speedskating boots are made from outstanding orthopedic knowledge.
Over the years, this knowledge and passion has developed into a high-quality product. In the meantime, the custom speedskating boots have amply proven themselves in practice and world titles and Olympic medals have been obtained.

Technology made in Holland by speedskaters, for speedskaters
EHS is a young speedskating brand in the Netherlands.
The speedskates are made in Holland by speedskaters, for speedskaters with an eye for detail.
The blades are super straight as they come from the manufacturer!
A quality skate for the (beginning) speedskater who has made speedskating his hobby.
But also for the competition speed skater EHS has very good steering skate blades.
Of this brand, we also provide short track blades and boots.
Many top shorttrackers ask for EHS!

Austrian outdoor boots since 1947.
We used to just use icetrack speedskates on natural ice, nowadays there is plenty of choice for the touring skater in comfortable skating boots.
Boots that give more support because they are slightly higher and moreover keep your feet sufficiently warm while skating on natural ice on long trips.
They are easy to click on a clap skate because also the clap skate is no longer an exception among tour skaters.
The tour skater can go to Zwaan SchaatsenService for Salomon boots in conjunction with Free Skate blades.

Free Skate: perfectly suited for natural ice.
These blades are equipped with the latest gadgets. More pressure is realized from the boots on the blades by means of special plastic plates under the bindings between boots and blades. We recommend for skating on the 400-meter track special inner soles which add stability, especially in the corners. Moreover, we can put a precision-camber in these blades for the icetrack. In this way, Free Skate skates are optimized for skating on the 400-meter track.

Cadomotus: innovative.
CadoMotus is a leading brand in inline speedskating competitions. This brand innovates its products on information of top skaters.
Frames and boots are of high quality. Also wheels and bearings are an important part of rollerblade. In this area Cadomotus provides quality products for the beginner and the competition athlete.

The italian inline boot!
Mariani is a leading brand in inline competition boots.
In addition to custom boots, the Italian (inline skating) bootmaker Davide Mariani has also been supplying stock boots for several years.
Many competition inliners who want the best of the best have these stock boots on their feet.

For the youthful speedskaters!
For children aged 8 to 15 who participate in youth speedskating and are a member of a speedskating club, we have a lease plan. After all, children’s feet grow quickly and yearly buying new skates is an expensive affair. Through our lease plan you rent a pair of speedskates for the season.
We use moldable speedskating boots so that the boots fit perfectly. There can be mounted both a solid skate or a clap skate. We provide a top rocketing in the blades and we sharpen and polish as well.
Optimal attention
We open again on September 6th but you can make an appointment already with us for your son or daughter who wants to participate this season in youth speedskating. We first fit the boots accurately to determine the correct size moldable speedskating boots, subsequently the boots go in a oven for about 15 minutes. Then the heated boots are put on and we mold the boots vacuum until they have cooled down. In this way, the boots offer optimum support without causing pressure spots.